Category: music

  • What are you shooting for —

    How’s 2017? Do you have some goals that you are hoping to achieve in the future? I saw this quote today and had to rethink a few of my goals.  Am I aiming high enough? Is there something bigger and better I should be shooting for?  Am I settling for the good when I should be…

  • The financial value of exercise –

    OK – need another reason to get moving today?  There is a significant financial benefit – about $2500 a year in medical costs.  Read the article here: That’s a lot of money! And here’s another reason to get moving today — some girl power from Republica!  “Standing on rooftops shout it out, baby I’m Ready…

  • Time to get moving – with some Outkast!

    Time to get moving – with some Outkast!

    OK — we’re in the new year.  Are you ready to get moving?  It’s day 4. Traffic is back to normal. Emails are coming in and the phone hasn’t stopped.  What’s your motivation today? My day has started, well, frustrating. Things don’t seem any different.  A week away from work just means a week farther…

  • First day back to the gym…needing a little JT to make it through

    Today was my first day back to the gym after Christmas, and man, was it hard. But so good, and so needed! I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but getting those endorphins kicking so I could sweat out weeks of cookies, cocktails and binge watching Netflix seemed to be just what my brain and body…

  • Crazy day #WorkoutWednesday: the 7 App and Supergrass!

    Crazy day #WorkoutWednesday: the 7 App and Supergrass!

    It’s a super busy day here at Wander True North… Who are we kidding? It’s been a super busy summer!  How do we fit in working out?  Honestly, we haven’t.  Which is totally on us. But we have no excuse because there is the 7 app that we’ve been using.  In 7 minutes, you can…

  • Monday Music Motivation — The Black Kids!

    What music keeps you going at the gym?   Is it some good 70’s funk? Maybe you need a New Wave blast from the 80’s. Hip hop, dance music or punk rock…what’s your choice? Today, that elliptical machine was taunting me when I walked in the gym.  I reallydidn’t want to be there!  It was…

  • #WednesdayWorkout


    Not a lot of time to write today – gotta run off to the gym!  Do you need a little music motivation workout song for your Wednesday?  How about a little Phoenix! This song is a perfect beat for the elliptical and guaranteed to make you smile a bit while you’re working out! Here’s 1901!

  • Getting to know Quiet Science

    We were honored to have a little chat with one of our favorite new finds – The Quiet Science.  They’ve been around for a few years and we feel very hurt that we’ve just discovered their musical goodness. Oh and Bonfires…you just need to fall in love with that song.  We digress – meet Nathan from…

  • Prioritizing — and some Snow Patrol!

    Prioritizing — and some Snow Patrol!

    It’s been too long since I’ve been to the gym. A conference. A work trip. A sore foot. Life. Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. What I’ve realized is, when I don’t go to the gym, I have a tendency to be terribly crabby to my husband!  Since we’re together about 90% of the time, he’s the…