Category: books



    DISTRACTION DETOX: Release Emotional Barriers. Restructure Priorities. Realize God’s Best New book by Billie Jauss Examines How Women can Realign Priorities and Find Confidence, Peace, and Fulfillment  Birmingham, AL – Sometimes it isn’t external distractions, but the internal emotional barriers that produce feelings of discouragement and defeat in our lives. DISTRACTION DETOX: Release Emotional Barriers.…

  • Big fun at the Christy Awards Gala!

    Big fun at the Christy Awards Gala!

    The Evangelical Christian Press Association has had an incredible week, hosting three events in two days – PubU, The Art of Writing Conference and the Christy Awards.  And I gotta say, we have a lot to celebrate! First – at PubU the team announced the “Top Shelf” awards for design, and wow. Such good stuff! …

  • Most Anticipated Movies for the Second Half of 2017—-

    Most Anticipated Movies for the Second Half of 2017—-

    2017 has been an amazing year for movies. Would you agree? The year kicked off with the wide release of Academy Award films like LA LA LAND, MOONLIGHT, MANCHESTER BY THE SEA, LION. We also got the girl power of WONDER WOMAN, a strong reboot of Spiderman, the sweet story of THE BIG SICK…and now,…

  • A short chat with Joe Battaglia — The Politically Incorrect Jesus

    A short chat with Joe Battaglia — The Politically Incorrect Jesus

    Here’s another Flash Back Interview that is inspiring us to prepare for NRB 2017…with Joe Battaglia!  Joe is one of our favorites and we love hearing his insights (but you’ll need to add in his fabulous New York accent on your own!) With all of the talk of politics the past few months, seems fitting to…

  • Discovering – and remembering – your true identity

    SHAKEN: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms, by Tim Tebow and AJ Gregory I’ve always liked Tim Tebow. While I could never cheer for the Florida Gators, Tebow’s charm and optimism have always been contagious. Face it — how could you not pull for a talented athlete who is so passionate…

  • A few questions with the Benham Brothers –

    A few questions with the Benham Brothers –

    In a few weeks, we’ll be heading to Orlando for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention to do a few interviews and write some stories. Until then, here are a few flash-backs to our favorite interviews!  This one is from February 2015 when NRB was at Opryland in Nashville.  Here is our interview with David and Jason Benham,…

  • Taking Advice from … a Kardashian?

    “You become what you think about” – Earl Nightingale How are your 2017 plans coming along?  I didn’t make any resolutions this year – I’m just trying to be mindful about my habits.  And so far so good. Eating better – check.  Working out – check.  Reading – check. Turning off the TV – working…

  • Messy Grace…made me really sad

    Messy Grace…made me really sad

    I was so curious when I picked up a copy of Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach. I’m fairly certain that no one in my circle of friends has anything close to his life story. Today, Caleb is a pastor of a large church, but he had a most unlikely childhood for this calling. He grew up being shuttled…