Category: technology
A New Year – A Challenge to Lobsters Everywhere
What the heck? I’m starting to read the book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos to kick off this year. And I’m thinking of using the book as a month-by-month guide. One chapter each month. One rule to set into place. One new mind-set to focus on. The first chapter is titled “Stand…
I get a little leery when documentaries come out about things like climate change. Are they trustworthy? Is the film made with a huge agenda? Does the film let emotion overtake science, or equally annoying to me – does the science overtake the reality of daily life? And when I saw that Bloomberg was creating…
Crazy day #WorkoutWednesday: the 7 App and Supergrass!
It’s a super busy day here at Wander True North… Who are we kidding? It’s been a super busy summer! How do we fit in working out? Honestly, we haven’t. Which is totally on us. But we have no excuse because there is the 7 app that we’ve been using. In 7 minutes, you can…