Tag: health

  • The first half of 2018…what the heck does it mean to be healthy anyway?

    It’s hard to stay healthy in certain seasons of life – isn’t it? To me, May is right up there with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Super Bowl. In our home, it’s a month that is filled with birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduation parties, sports-viewings (so many sports), end of school events, city festivals…the list goes on…

  • Love it or Leave it? LOVE GROWN Cereal

    In the quest to eat healthy, I found these gems. It’s only been a few weeks, but I want to keep from getting bored with our food. I want to try new things. This wheat-free adventure is ridiculously hard for my foodie brain to comprehend. And breakfast is the most important meal of the day,…

  • The financial value of exercise –

    OK – need another reason to get moving today?  There is a significant financial benefit – about $2500 a year in medical costs.  Read the article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/07/well/move/whats-the-value-of-exercise-2500.html?rref=collection%2Fspotlightcollection%2Ftimes-tips&action=click&contentCollection=topics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=119&pgtype=collection&_r=0 That’s a lot of money! And here’s another reason to get moving today — some girl power from Republica!  “Standing on rooftops shout it out, baby I’m Ready…

  • Pushing the Reset Button

    Pushing the Reset Button

    It’s July 1. How did that even happen?  I blinked, and suddenly we are half way through a year that feels like it just began. Wasn’t it just Valentines Day? Since Easter, I feel like I’ve been out of balance. Too much work. Not enough exercise. Not enough time with friends. Too many foods that…