Day 5 – Has anyone seen my kleenex?

Day 4 of #my500word challenge —- Colds and more colds.

(this blog is part of a writing challenge, where it’s more about writing than editing…apologies for grammar errors.)


I need to start writing down a few ideas for what to write about each morning in this #My500Word challenge. That might be a better option on mornings like today, when I wake up still a bit drunk off an evening dose of Nyquil.

This year is already messing up my best-laid plans. How’s your 2018 so far?

As I mentioned, I caught a cold. And not just any cold, one of those colds that pushes its way into your brain and your sinuses, and refuses to make room for anything else. I’ve traded in my plans to work out at the gym 3 times this week, thanks to the boxing gym that has moved inside my skull, holding regular classes in kickboxing and cardio.

Waking up early has become a part of my DNA. It’s my favorite part of the day. But cold medication has pushed my waking time back at least an hour, and then I spend a bit of time fumbling around, realizing that my attempts to turn on lights and make coffee looks like a comedy sketch. I’m trying to read some scripture and have a bit of quiet time, but that has seen better days as well. I hope God has a great sense of humor about this stuff, as I know my prayers are hilarious and scattered.

“Good morning God. Thank you for cold medicine. Help us today. Did I mention how much I love cold medicine?”

Last night, I knew that that this cold situation was growing in intensity when my husband asked if I wanted to watch a movie. “Sure!” I said. Then he said “Let’s watch it from bed.” That’s when I knew. It was 7:10pm and the funk that has derailed my January plans had caught up to Chris as well.

So we adapt right? That’s what women are good at. We make plans, and then we adapt our plans when things we have no control over make us shift lanes and take a new route.

Many people I know do the “word of the year” concept where one word or phrase is their specific focus for the year. They have grand statements like “grace” or “motivation” or “intentional”. I have my word of the year…but I am not mentioning it yet, as I can’t really start moving forward until I can go 10 minutes without grabbing a Kleenex.

And no, my word isn’t nearly as lovely as “gratitude” or “give”.

We have a friend coming to live with us for a while. Chris and I are both built for hospitality so we enjoy this…but having another person and another dog around for a while makes staying on track with our goals a bit harder. But it’s a new year. And we can stay focused as long as we share with others when we need their help to stay focused and move forward.

A new year is about a new focus and a new motivation. I just need to remind myself that it’s not a solo-journey. Moving forward, being healthy, staying motivated is a team sport.

So hopefully there will be a blog next week about new ways to kill a cold. Creating a team to create a healthy environment for a new year. And who knows? I may just unveil my mysterious word of the year.

Until then, I will sit in my little corner with a box of tissues and cough drops until I can set the reset button.

This may work out better anyway. In a few days, the gym won’t be as crowded, right?


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