Category: food

  • It’s your birthday — Get some FREE STUFF!

    I love getting free stuff for my birthday.  I mean, why not?  If a restaurant wants to give me lunch, or a coffee, then by all means! It would be a terrible thing for me to waste these opportunities…right? And because you’re one of our loyal readers, I wanted to make sure you knew how…

  • The first half of 2018…what the heck does it mean to be healthy anyway?

    It’s hard to stay healthy in certain seasons of life – isn’t it? To me, May is right up there with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Super Bowl. In our home, it’s a month that is filled with birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduation parties, sports-viewings (so many sports), end of school events, city festivals…the list goes on…

  • The Happiest Hours in Gatlinburg!

    The Happiest Hours in Gatlinburg!

    What better time to hit some great happy hours, then when you’re on vacation. You don’t have a schedule. You’ve spent the day hiking or exploring the Arts and Crafts loop. Maybe you got roped into taking one of those Old Time Family Photos, and now you need to forget seeing your Aunt Judy wearing…