Love can win —-

If you’re like me, you have just been horrified by the news about the 4 young adults in Chicago who kidnapped and tortured Austin, a special needs teenager.  This story just seems unthinkable, and hit me hard since Austin is from a sleepy suburb close to where I went to school.

While I still can’t comprehend the evil acted out by the four accused, I know that love will win.  I know that when the public speaks up and says that we respect and protect the vulnerable in our communities, evil won’t be glorified.

Evil wins when good people stay silent, but sometimes speaking out doesn’t have to be loud.

If you felt helpless watching the news, you can act. It’s easy. Go volunteer somewhere. Tutor some inner-city kids who are struggling. Collect coats and drop them off at a shelter. Take care packages to elderly people who may be struggling or lonely.

It’s a bitter cold day here at Wander True North HQ.  Feels like a perfect day to help love win in a small way by sending a quick get-well note to Austin. (Note – apparently he’s a big Chicago Bulls fan if you want to add in a little gift.) Want to join us?  Just pop a quick card in the mail:

Austin – PO Box 641 – Cary, IL 60013

How can you be love today?  Share with us more ideas of little ways we can change the narrative and make love be louder than the actions of a few.


(note – We found that graphic online, and I have no idea who owns it.  We would love to give someone credit!)







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