Tag: planet fitness

  • First day back to the gym…needing a little JT to make it through

    Today was my first day back to the gym after Christmas, and man, was it hard. But so good, and so needed! I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but getting those endorphins kicking so I could sweat out weeks of cookies, cocktails and binge watching Netflix seemed to be just what my brain and body…

  • Monday Music Motivation — The Black Kids!

    What music keeps you going at the gym?   Is it some good 70’s funk? Maybe you need a New Wave blast from the 80’s. Hip hop, dance music or punk rock…what’s your choice? Today, that elliptical machine was taunting me when I walked in the gym.  I reallydidn’t want to be there!  It was…

  • #WednesdayWorkout


    Not a lot of time to write today – gotta run off to the gym!  Do you need a little music motivation workout song for your Wednesday?  How about a little Phoenix! This song is a perfect beat for the elliptical and guaranteed to make you smile a bit while you’re working out! Here’s 1901!

  • Prioritizing — and some Snow Patrol!

    Prioritizing — and some Snow Patrol!

    It’s been too long since I’ve been to the gym. A conference. A work trip. A sore foot. Life. Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. What I’ve realized is, when I don’t go to the gym, I have a tendency to be terribly crabby to my husband!  Since we’re together about 90% of the time, he’s the…