Pushing the Reset Button

It’s July 1.

How did that even happen?  I blinked, and suddenly we are half way through a year that feels like it just began. Wasn’t it just Valentines Day?

Since Easter, I feel like I’ve been out of balance. Too much work. Not enough exercise. Not enough time with friends. Too many foods that don’t help my health. Too much beer. Not enough reading. Not enough water. Not enough faith. Valuable time spent on things that are temporary. Reacting instead of being proactive.

So maybe today is the day to hit the reset button.

I have 6 months left in this year and it’s time to hit the reset button. Reset to the stuff that’s important. Reset priorities.

How do you reset when you’re schedule, your diet, your life has gotten a little off track.  Any tips or tricks or motivations to make the second half of the year healthier than the first?  What’s your first move when you need to detox your life?

Here’s to half-year resolutions!



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